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Recycling is one of the best ways to protect our environment from reaching a point where the damage caused by global warming cannot be reversed. According to Sarah Kaplan, a climate and science reporter, with the Washington Post, global warming could surpass a dangerous level within the next ten years. With that being said, this is an issue that does have a time limit and should be dealt with as soon as possible, if there is any chance of saving it. When we do not implement recycling, more waste is sent to landfills which releases more harmful greenhouse gasses into the environment, leading to an increase in global temperature. Climate change has always been a natural occurrence but with the rate at which it is occurring now, we must raise concern and make a difference. Sarah Kaplan also states “If the world stays on its current warming track, the IPCC says, global flood damage will be as much as four times as high as it will be if people limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees.” This means that we are still able to make a change and it is not too late. If we are able to take steps that can limit the temperature rise, such as recycling more, we can bring this rise in global climate temperatures to halt.

This is happening.
When we send more materials to the landfill, we are contributing to the release of harmful greenhouse gasses. When greenhouse gasses are released, it heats our climate and has recently caused a rapid melting of polar ice caps. Like in the photo, animals who live in arctic climates are experiencing deadly habitat loss. We can help.




Implementing a recycling program here on campus is a great way to get a large chunk of people on the same page when it comes to this issue.nAccording to Florida State University's official website, there were 43,028 students enrolled for the Fall 2022 semester. With this number of people on board with our program, so much change could be made for the better. If we are able to make a difference here at FSU, other college campuses around the world will be inclined to start their own program which will provide an immense amount of progress towards the efforts of slowing climate change. According to Anna Panel, a digital marketing professional, “offering multiple convenient opportunities to recycle, universities can simplify the process for students and faculty.” This is why we are developing this program as a way for students to know exactly what to do and therefore simplify the process of recycling.

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