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Our recycling center is located in the FSU Student Union at 

75 N Woodward Ave, Tallahassee, FL 32306

How it works

We have decided to begin a new recycling program here at Florida State University for students. It is located in the Student Union and the way it works is for every pound of recyclable materials brought to the center, you earn 5 points that will be visible in your FSUcard account. When 50 points are reached, you get a free meal at any on campus restaurant. When 100 points are reached, you get a 10% coupon at the bookstore located in the union. When 500 points are reached, you can get any item under 25$ at the bookstore for free. This works as a spending system, so when points are redeemed, you must earn more to get rewards.



Our hope with this, is to have every student on campus, bringing their recyclable materials to the center in order to reuse these materials. In the article “As a Matter of Fact…” written by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection it states “By recycling all of its paper, plastic, and corrugated waste generated in a year, an office building of 7,000 workers could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1,200 metric tons of carbon equivalent. This is equivalent to taking 900 cars off the road in one year.” This is important to take into account because when discussing materials that are used in an office, it is often very similar to materials that may be used at school. By recycling these materials, along with personally used materials from every student, we can make a real impact on our planets well being here at FSU.

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